How to meet girls$%: It's that never ending question that never has a permanent answer. Guys want to know how to meet girls and make a strong connection. It's a desire that's as old as time itself. Sometimes I wonder what did guys do way back when. I'm talking about way back in the days of camels and sandals. Not the 20's or 30's. We're talking about way back in the times of Moses. What did guys do back then to impress girls$%: Maybe they would do stunts on their camels, or perhaps had a rock throwing contest to impress the girls. I'm being a little funny here, but the question still holds strong that genders are still and have always been the same. There will never a time when guys have no problems meeting girls.

Hey guys, things are changing for the better so don't despair. If you think it's hard to meet girls now, you should just take a step back in time 50 years or so. Not that you could actually know what I'm talking about, but we had no internet, no chat rooms, message boards, dating forums. Let's face it, there was just the local bar scene. Night clubs weren't even around back then. Talk about a bore. Guys had to find out how to meet women in other creative ways. My best guess would be at church. Yeah, church! They went to one of the few local churches to test their abilities. It was there that they could meet a girl with morals, one who was wholesome. One who had real morals and some integrity. Nothing like you see all night long in bars and in the club scenes. Regardless of this old method way of meeting girls, things sure have changed for most of us these days. Now men want to know how to meet girls and do so with ease. They're looking for that quick internet solution. That's what the present time is all about. Open up your laptop and check out what seems to be an infinite number of dating sites out there. Sooner or later a connection may be made with someone in your area, or perhaps someone on the other side of the planet. Personally I like to stick with the girls that live closer to me where I can drive to. That would make it a whole lot easier to communicate with on a personal level.

So what's it going to be for you$%: You want to meet a nice woman, but what's the road that is going to lead you there$%: Are you the type ready to hit the local bar and club scene or do you want to find your girl online$%: The great thing is that you have options. Research more online or check out my new book "How to Date Women WAY Out of Your League!" as it's got tons of resources for you to use when approaching and meeting girls.


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